Call for Papers
Call for Papers
The organisation committee is calling for abstract submissions. To present your talk/research presentation at the conference, your abstract must first pass a review. Upon payment of registration fees, your attendance at the conference will be confirmed.
Symposium Dates: 3 - 5 November, 2019 (immediately following Mayo Dark Sky Festival 1-3 November)
Venue: GN Mulranny Park Hotel, Mulranny, Mayo
Deadline for submission: 16th August 2019
Key Information:
Submit your abstract (maximum 250 words), stating presentation format – Oral or Poster) by email to
Email subject line: European Symposium 2019 - Call for Papers.
The deadline for submissions is 16th August. We encourage early submission as slots are limited between themes.
The planned time for presentation slots is approximately 20 minutes, depending upon the number of submissions received and approved.
An overhead projector and computer will be provided and speakers should provide an electronic copy of their presentation ahead of the symposium start.
Abstracts will undergo a panel review with a decision on acceptance provided by mid-September.